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Why Your Dog Needs Probiotics For Digestion

Why Your Dog Needs Probiotics For Digestion

Written by: Helena Lawrence



Time to read 9 min

When it comes to our best companion's health, we want to ensure we do everything we can to keep them happy and healthy. One area that is often overlooked is digestion. Proper digestion is essential for a dog’s overall health, yet many dog owners do not know much about it. 

In this article we're going to focus on how probiotics can help not only your dog's digestion but other conditions they may have to help you understand why your dog needs probiotics.

How Does Digestion Work in Dogs?

The GI tract is responsible for the digestive process in dogs (and humans too!). The mouth is the first stop in the digestive journey, where teeth break down food into smaller pieces.

Then, food travels down the oesophagus to the stomach, where acids and digestive enzymes break down food further. From there, food enters the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream before it moves into the large intestine and is excreted. 

What Are Some Common Digestion Issues in Dogs?

There are a number of different things that can go wrong during any part of the digestive process. Some common issues include: 

- Food allergies or intolerances 

- Infections 

- Inflammatory bowel disease 

- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)

- Cancer 

Many of these issues can be managed with medication like probiotics or dietary changes, but it is always best to consult with your vet if you think your dog may be having digestive problems. 

Why your dog needs probiotics for digestion

Your vet may suggest using prebiotics or probiotics as one of the methods to boost beneficial bacteria: Prebiotics are nutrients that are designed to nourish and promote the growth of good bacteria that are already living in the colon. Probiotics are beneficial microbes that keep your pup’s digestive system healthy and balanced.

These good bacteria improve your dog’s overall health by strengthening their immune system, aiding in digestion, and preventing harmful bacteria from taking over their gut. Your dog will be better equipped to fight infection and disease by having a healthy gut.

Probiotics for dogs come in many forms, including powders, capsules, yoghurts, and chewable treats. Unlike digestive enzymes, probiotics do not have the ability to break down or digest food components.

You should start your dog on a probiotic supplement when they are around six weeks old. Puppies have a higher risk of developing gut issues because they are still building up their immune system and they are more likely to be exposed to harmful bacteria.

If you have an older dog, you can start them on a probiotic supplement at any time. Consult with your vet to see if probiotics are right for your pup. 

Do Probiotics for Dogs Work?

There is a growing body of research on the use of probiotics for dogs. Probiotics are prescribed for maintaining a desirable intestinal microbial balance.

These healthy gut bacteria balance the internal environment to prevent disease and promote health. Probiotics are thought to promote gut health by aiding in the digestion of food, helping to regulate bowel movements, and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Probiotic supplements for dogs typically contain a combination of several different types of helpful bacteria which have many benefits! They can prevent urinary tract infections and reduce allergic reactions by decreasing intestinal permeability and controlling inflammation.

Improve Digestion

Probiotics for dogs can improve digestion. The most common reason cited for giving probiotics to dogs is to improve digestion. Probiotics help to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut, which can help improve digestive issues like diarrhoea, constipation, and gas. If your dog is struggling with any of these problems, probiotics may be able to help.

Boost the Immune System

Probiotics for dogs may also help to boost your dog's immune system. The balance of good bacteria in the gut is important for overall health, and probiotics can help to ensure that this balance is maintained.

A strong immune system is vital for keeping your dog healthy and preventing diseases and infections. 

Allergy-Related Skin Conditions

Probiotics for dogs alleviate allergy-related skin conditions. Itchy skin, hot spots, and other skin problems can be caused or exacerbated by allergies.

By restoring the balance of good bacteria in the gut, probiotics may help to reduce allergy-related skin problems. 

Bad Breath

Bad breath is another common problem that probiotics for dogs may be able to help with. If your dog's breath smells particularly bad or foul it could indicate an imbalance of bacteria in the mouth. Probiotics can help to restore this balance and freshen up your dog's breath in the process. 

Weight Management

Finally, probiotics may also be helpful for dogs who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight. The right balance of gut bacteria is important for proper metabolism and digestion.

If your dog is having trouble keeping their weight down or maintaining a healthy appetite, probiotics could be a helpful addition to their diet. 

Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs for Digestion

There are many benefits of giving your dog probiotics. They can help with digestive issues, boost the immune system, and even help reduce stress levels. One of the most common reasons why dog owners give their pups probiotics is for digestive issues like diarrhoea, gas, and bloating. Probiotics can also be helpful for puppies who are weaning off their mother's milk as they transition to solid food. 

Another reason to give your dog probiotics is to boost their immune system. Probiotics work by producing enzymes that destroy harmful bacteria. They also produce vitamins B and K, essential for a healthy immune system. By boosting the immune system, probiotics can help prevent illnesses like allergies, respiratory infections, and skin problems. 

Finally, probiotics can also help reduce stress levels in dogs. If your dog is prone to anxiety or stress-related behaviours like paw licking, chewing, or hair pulling, then probiotics could be a helpful solution. The live microorganisms in probiotics produce calming chemicals like serotonin that can help relieve stress and anxiety in dogs. 

Different Strains of Probiotics

There are many different probiotic strains that can be found in commercial probiotic products. The most common strains are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Enterococcus faecium, and Bacillus subtilis. Each strain offers different health benefits for your pup.

For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus aids in the digestion of lactose and Bifidobacterium bifidum helps with the absorption of nutrients.

Probiotic strains that have helped improve stool quality and consistency in dogs include Bifidobacterium animalis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

It is important to do your research to find a probiotic supplement that contains the specific strains that will best suit your dog’s needs. 

Signs Your Dog Needs Probiotics for Digestion

Your dog needs probiotics for digestion because they help to break down food, absorb nutrients and support overall gut health. A healthy balance of bacteria is important for healthy dogs.

Probiotics also help to control bad bacteria and yeast in the gut, which can cause digestive issues like diarrhoea and vomiting. Probiotics can also boost your dog's immune system, helping fight off infection and illness.

If you're wondering whether or not your dog might need probiotics, here are 10 signs to look out for.

1. Diarrhoea

One of the most common signs that your dog may need probiotics is diarrhoea. While diarrhoea can be caused by a number of factors, such as stress or changes in diet, it can also be a sign that there is an imbalance of healthy bacteria in the gut. Probiotics can help to restore this balance and reduce the frequency and severity of diarrhoea episodes.

2. Gurgly Guts

Another sign that your dog's gut flora may be out of balance is if their stomach always seems to make gurgling sounds. This is usually a sign of gas build-up and can be quite uncomfortable for your dog. Adding probiotics to their diet can help to reduce the amount of gas in their system and make them feel more comfortable.

3. Smelly Farts

If your dog's farts smells particularly bad, it could be a sign that they need probiotics. When there is an imbalance of healthy bacteria in the gut, it can cause bad bacteria to flourish, leading to unpleasant-smelling gas. Adding probiotics to your dog's diet can help to reduce the number of bad bacteria in their system and control the odour of their gas.

4. An Inconsistent Poop Schedule

Probiotics can also help to regulate your dog's poop schedule. If your dog's poop is often loose or inconsistent, it could be a sign that they need more probiotics in their diet. Adding probiotics can help to bulk up their stool and make bowel movements more regular.

5. They Can't Keep Weight On

Another common sign of gut issues in dogs is weight loss, even if they're eating the same amount of food as usual. This is usually due to malabsorption, which means the body isn't able to absorb nutrients from food as efficiently as it should be. Probiotics can help to improve nutrient absorption and promote weight gain in underweight dogs.

What are the Best Probiotics for Dogs?

Our Super Tummy Daily probiotics for dogs is one of the best probiotics for dogs due to its high quality and effectiveness.

The probiotic is made with eight strains of live, active cultures that help to restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. A number of factors can dramatically affect the survival of probiotic bacteria, but by far the most important in dog foods is temperature.

A good probiotic will aid digestion, increase much needed friendly bacteria, and improve a dog's health.

In addition, Buddy & Lola's probiotics for dogs, Super Tummy Daily, contains prebiotics, which help to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, and is suitable for puppies from six weeks old and is an excellent probiotic that can help to keep your dog’s digestive system healthy.


How do I give my dog probiotics?

They can be taken in supplement form, and many people take them to improve their overall health. Probiotics can also be beneficial for dogs, and they can help to reverse some of the effects of a poor diet. If you're interested in giving your dog probiotics, there are a few things you should know.

Firstly, it's important to choose a high-quality probiotic supplement that is designed specifically for dogs.

Secondly, probiotics should be introduced slowly into your dog's diet to avoid any gastrointestinal issues.

Super Tummy Daily Chews are a delicious way to help keep your dog's tummy happy and healthy. Formulated with probiotics, they help to support digestive health and promote a balanced digestive system. They're also packed with prebiotics, which helps to nourish the good bacteria that already live in your dog's gut.

Plus, they're made with all-natural ingredients and are free from fillers, so you can feel good about giving them to your pooch.

Dog parents will always be concerned about their dog's health. Introducing probiotics could be a game changer for many dogs. A healthy dog will get sick less, and enjoy life more!

Can I give my dog probiotics for allergies?

Can I give my dog probiotics for allergies? This is a question that many pet owners have, as they are looking for ways to provide their furry friends with relief from allergy symptoms. There is growing evidence that probiotics can help to improve gut health in dogs, which may, in turn, help to reduce the severity of allergy symptoms. If you are considering giving your dog probiotics for allergies, you should try our probiotic powder for dogs.

What forms do dog probiotics come in?

In dogs, probiotics can come in several forms, including pills, powders, soft treats, and food. Some of these products contain live cultures of microorganisms, while others contain dried bacteria or yeast.

Probiotics are usually given to dogs on a daily basis, and they often need to be refrigerated in order to maintain their potency. Yoghurt or kefir with live cultures is another source of probiotics that can be given to dogs.