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How to fix your dog’s sensitive stomach..

How to fix your dog’s sensitive stomach..

Make a change to their diet

You could consider a change to raw food - this should give your dog’s gut a chance to heal and calm down, as it may be inflamed. A diet primarily consisting of kibble is a lot of work for their tummy, so raw meat will be recognised by our dog’s stomach quickly and easily for easier digestion, which should help the sensitivities. 

Also, ensure their snacks are healthy and simple - not things like “bacon flavoured” treats, it’s best to keep them simple and satisfying. 

Keep a watchful eye on WHAT they’re consuming

Oftentimes your dog may rummage around outside through bins and rubbish - these are primary places for your pooch to eat something they shouldn’t. Also, consider what plants you have in your garden as these can easily cause your dog’s sensitive stomach. 

Try then and control their immediate environment (i.e. in your garden) as best you can) 

Slow down how fast they’re eating

This is a common one and also something that’s easy to remedy. Eating too fast can cause it to shoot back up… not a surprise but it’s best to avoid this altogether if your dog’s a fast eater. Two solutions here are, buy a slow feeder, so that it becomes more mindful for them, allowing proper digestion, the other more frequent but smaller meals might be more suitable.

Consider when they’re walking after feeding

Taking your dog out too soon after a meal can cause a sensitive stomach. So think about having their meal at least 30 mins BEFORE heading out for a walk to allow for initial digestion. 

Other naturals foods to help your dog’s sensitive stomach

Unpasteurised goat’s milk is often tolerated by dogs, especially since it’s suitable for lactose intolerant dogs (like in humans and baby formula). The concentration of vitamins and minerals are often helpful to your dog’s gut health, too. Also, canned pumpkin is very good for your dog’s sensitive stomach and gut health - PLUS, it’s delicious! It’s rich in fibre and a great boost for the health of their digestive tract. Just make sure it’s unseasoned. 

Hopefully you found this article helpful to ease the symptoms of your dog’s sensitive stomach. Often it can be a small tweak here and there, so take te time to explore a few ideas and see what works best for your pooch. Leave a comment below to put out any further ideas to our community that have worked for your dog!

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