Breaking down an ‘unhealthy dog poop chart’ may seem daunting, but it's actually quite simple.
There are three main types of unhealthy dog poop: soft, loose, and runny.
- Soft poop is usually caused by food intolerance or allergies and is often accompanied by diarrhoea.
- Loose poop can be caused by a bacterial infection and is often watery and/or bloody.
- Runny poop is often the cause of a viral infection and is often watery and/or bloody. If you see any of these signs in your dog's poop, it's important to take them to the vet right away.
There are also three signs that your dog isn’t doing well: straining, urgency, and pain.
- Straining could be a sign of constipation, which is caused by several things, including dehydration, a dietary change, or a medical condition.
- Urgency could be a sign of an intestinal blockage, which is a medical emergency.
- Painful pooping might suggest your dog is suffering from anal sac disease or their anal glands are impacted or infected. Because of the serious and potentially life-threatening nature of these digestive problems, it's best to consult a vet.
Things to look out for:
- Dog poop can come in various colours and shades, such as purple, green, and yellow-orange. Black is potentially a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract.
- Unhealthy dog poop can contain high levels of bacteria and parasites, which can harm humans and pets.
- Healthy diets alongside regular exercise should be considered for pets to help keep their bowels regular. And if there are any concerns about your dog's waste, it’s best to consult a vet for guidance.
How to Tell if Your Dog's Poop is Healthy
By paying attention to the colour, shape, consistency, size and content of your dog's poop, you can get a pretty good idea of whether or not they are healthy. You can always take a look at our healthy dog poop chart below for reference.
Here's a quick guide on how to tell if your dog's poop is healthy:
A healthy dog's poop should be brown in colour. If it is green, yellow or red, this could indicate that your pup is sick.
Healthy dog poop should be well-formed and sausage-shaped. If it is watery, runny or too hard, this could be a sign of an underlying health condition.
Your dog’s poop should be firm but not too hard. If it is soft or mushy, this could mean that your pup is not getting enough fibre in its diet.
The size of your dog's poop will depend on their size. As a general rule of thumb, however, healthy dog poop should be about the same size as their anal opening.
Healthy dog poop should not contain any worms or parasites. If you notice any worms or bugs in your pup's poop, take them to the vet right away.
Healthy Dog Poop Chart

What Does Unhealthy Dog Poop Look Like?
Most dog owners know that regular, healthy dog poop should be firm and brown. But did you know that there are actually a few different shades of brown that are all considered normal? And what about consistency? A healthy stool should be well-formed but not too hard or too soft.
If your dog's poop is on the lighter side of the spectrum, it could just mean that they need more fibre in their diet. On the other hand, if it's a very dark brown, it could be an indication that they're eating too much protein. Either way, as long as it's brown, you're in the clear.
Consistency is also an important factor when it comes to determining whether or not your dog's poop is healthy. A healthy stool should be well-formed but not too hard or soft. If it's on the softer side, it could be a sign that your pup is eating too much fat. Conversely, if it's very hard and dry, they may need more moisture in their diet. The best way to determine what's normal for your dog is to pay attention to their poop over time and look for any changes in colour or consistency.
Dog Poop Color Meanings
Brown Dog Poop
Brown dog poop is the most common type of stool and is generally nothing to worry about. If your dog's poop is brown and has a normal consistency, it probably just means they're eating a healthy diet.
However, if your dog's brown stool is loose or runny, it could be diarrhoea. Diarrhoea can be caused by any number of things, including dietary changes, infection, or parasites. If your dog has diarrhoea, contact your vet for guidance on how to treat it.
Purple Dog Poop
Believe it or not, purple dog poop isn't all that uncommon. If you see purple streaks in your dog's stool, it's likely due to something they ate. Common offenders include blueberries and beets. While eating these foods won't hurt your dog, you may want to reduce their intake or switch to a different type of food altogether.
If the purple streaks don't go away after a few days or if they're accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhoea, contact your vet.
Green Dog Poop
Green dog poop is usually nothing to worry about and is often the result of your pet eating too much grass. However, if you’ve noticed other symptoms like diarrhoea or sickness, it could be a sign of a digestive issue or infection. Contact your vet if you notice any other changes in your pet's health along with green stool.
Yellow-Orange Dog Poop
Yellow-orange dog poop is usually a sign that your pet isn't getting enough fat in its diet. This can happen if you're feeding them table scraps instead of proper dog food or if they're not getting enough calories each day.
Yellow-orange stool can also indicate liver problems, so be sure to contact your vet if you notice this change in colour, along with other symptoms like weight loss or fatigue.
Black Dog Poop
Black dog poop usually indicates that your pet has eaten something dark in colour, like charcoal or dirt. However, black stool can also be a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract, which is a serious medical emergency. If you notice black stool along with other symptoms like vomiting blood or lethargy, take your pet to the vet immediately.
Breaking down an unhealthy dog poop chart may not sound like the most glamorous task, but it's an important one. After all, dog poop can contain a variety of harmful bacteria and parasites that can pose serious health risks to humans and pets. A comprehensive understanding of what makes dog poop unhealthy can help pet owners take steps to avoid these hazards.
If the stool is very hard or dry, it may be difficult for the body to absorb all the nutrients, leading to malnutrition. It may also be a sign of constipation, in which case, you’ll need Buddy & Lola’s poop support for dogs.
Why Reading a Healthy Dog Poop Chart Matters
Every dog owner needs to know how to read a healthy dog poop chart. Why? Because it can help you determine if your dog is sick or not. A healthy dog's stool should be:
- Firm and well-formed
- Medium to dark brown in colour
- Not too soft or runny
- Without any blood, mucus, or foreign objects
If your dog's stool does not match the above description, it’s best to consult your vet. They can properly diagnose your dog and recommend the best course of treatment. Reading a dog poop chart may seem excessive, but it can greatly impact how you treat your dog's poo habits.
Why is My Dog's Poop White and Chalky?
If your dog's poop is white and chalky, it may be a sign that they're not getting enough nutrients in their diet. Have you recently switched them to a raw food diet? A raw food diet includes the calcium-rich bones of animals, which can lead to chalky white poop.
This can also happen if they're not receiving enough calories or you’re feeding them table scraps instead of dog food. White stool can also indicate liver problems, so be sure to contact your vet if you notice this change in colour, along with other symptoms like weight loss or fatigue.
What Should You Do If You See White Poop Color?
If you see white dog poop, contact your vet right away. A white stool can signify many medical issues, so it's important to get professional help to diagnose the problem.
Final Thoughts
So, what's a perfect poop? It should be a chocolate brown colour, solid but a bit squishy, in one log-like piece, and sized proportionately to the amount of food your dog eats. Feed your dog the best diet to produce these high-quality poos. This will improve your dog's digestion and make cleanup much easier for you.
There’s no need to worry about the occasional poop change in your dog as it's completely normal, especially if you've recently switched up their schedule or tried them on a new food.
If your dog's tummy is having problems, consider giving them a probiotic to help balance things out. It'll improve your dog's health and complement your dog's diet.