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5 Reasons Your Dog is Gaining Weight

5 Reasons Your Dog is Gaining Weight

Are you noticing that your dog is gaining weight? It can be frustrating and concerning when your pooch starts packing on the pounds, especially if you’re not sure why it’s happening. Here are five potential reasons your pup is getting a little plumper.

Why is Your Dog Gaining Weight?

If you've noticed that your dog has been putting on a few extra pounds, you may be wondering what the cause could be. After all, our canine friends are not known for their self-control when it comes to food! Knowing how to spot the early signs that your dog is gaining weight and taking action quickly is key. Let's discuss some of the most common causes of weight gain in dogs so that you can take steps to get your furry friend back on track.

1. Too Much Food

One of the most common causes of weight gain in dogs is simply eating too much food. If your dog is always begging for table scraps or raiding the garbage can, this could be the reason they're carrying around a few extra pounds. Dogs enjoy food just as much as we do, and it's important to resist their begging eyes and give them only the amount of food that's recommended by their vet.

2. No Exercise 

Another common cause of weight gain in dogs is a lack of exercise. Just like us humans, dogs need to get up and move around to stay healthy and avoid packing on excess weight.

If your dog isn't getting enough walks or playtime, this could be the reason they're carrying a little extra baggage. Make sure to give them plenty of opportunities to burn off energy so they don't end up packing on the pounds.

Additionally, noticing a lack of interest in going for walks or playing with their toys is an important sign of weight gain. Sometimes dogs don’t really like walks, or are too reactive on walks to take out every day. Finding a good exercise routine that works for them is vital. 

3. Chronic Illness 

Chronic illnesses can also cause weight gain in dogs. If your dog has been diagnosed with diabetes, Cushing's disease, or hypothyroidism, they may start putting on weight even if they're eating and exercising the same as always.

This is because these conditions can cause changes in metabolism that make it harder for dogs to lose weight. If you think your dog's weight gain may be due to a chronic illness, be sure to talk to their vet about treatment options.

4. Genetics 

Finally, genetics can also play a role in a dog's weight. Some breeds are more prone to obesity than others, and there's not much you can do about it other than make sure they eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. Breeds that are prone to obesity include Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, and Golden Retrievers. 

5. Other Reasons

Fluid buildup can trigger weight gain in dogs as a result of heart or liver disease, and this is also the case for tumours. Tumours, particularly large abdominal ones, can make a dog look fat. In addition, dogs which have been spayed or castrated are also more likely to be obese.

This is probably because neutering affects energy expenditure and metabolism. As a result, it is important to be aware of these potential causes of weight gain in dogs in order to help them maintain a healthy weight.

Cushing's Syndrome

Due to their hyperactive pituitary or adrenal glands, dogs with Cushing's disease have hormonal abnormalities. Your vet might need to check your dog's hormone levels if you observe that they are panting more, growing a rounder midsection, or eating more.

How to Tell If Your Dog is Overweight

Just like humans, dogs come in all shapes and sizes. But how can you tell if your dog is at a healthy weight or if they're carrying a few extra pounds?

Vets and vet nurses estimated that 46% of the dogs they see in their practice each week are overweight or obese. That means there's a good chance your furry friend falls into that category. So, what are some signs that your dog may be overweight?

1. You can't feel their ribs.

A big indicator that your dog is overweight is if you can't feel their ribs when you pet them. You should be able to feel their ribs without having to press too hard; if you have to press down or can't feel them at all, that's a sign that they're carrying extra weight. When dogs gain weight, they begin to lose their natural shape.

2. They seem sluggish or have trouble moving around.

If your dog doesn't have the same pep in their step as they used to or they have trouble getting up from a lying position, it could be because they're carrying around extra weight. Dogs who are at a healthy weight should be able to move easily and not become too tired after playing for a short period of time. 

3. Their eating and bathroom habits haven't changed, but they're still gaining weight.

Just like with people, if your dog is consuming the same amount of food but isn't losing or maintaining their weight, it's likely because they're not getting enough exercise. Make sure your dog is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day; more if they're particularly active. 

If you think your dog may be carrying around a few extra pounds, there are some simple steps you can take to help them get back on track. First, consult with your vet to develop a weight-loss plan specifically for your dog.

They'll be able to give you guidance on how many calories your pup should be eating each day as well as how much exercise they need to lose weight safely and effectively. From there, it's simply a matter of being consistent with their diet and exercise regimen until they reach their ideal weight!

What is Obesity in Dogs?

Obesity in dogs is a condition that results when a dog consumes more calories than they burn. This can be due to a number of factors, including a dog's age, breed, and health condition. Dogs that are obese are at an increased risk for developing a host of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

If you're concerned that your dog might be carrying around a few too many pounds, don't despair—there are plenty of treatment options available. Treatment for overweight and obese dogs will vary depending on the cause.

Diet and exercise are always going to be the foundation of any healthy weight-loss plan for dogs (or humans!), but there are also specially formulated foods, supplements, medications, and even surgery that can help in severe cases.

The best course of action is always going to be speaking with your vet about what's right for your individual pet based on their age, breed, activity level, and overall health.

Diet and Exercise

If your dog is gaining weight rapidly, the first line of defence against obesity is changing a dog's diet. Just like in pet parents, the cornerstone of any weight-loss program for dogs is diet and exercise. If your dog is carrying around a few extra pounds, it's important to cut back on the calories and make sure they're getting plenty of exercise. Proper exercise is also dependent on the breed and size of the dog. This can help your fluffy friend live a long and healthy life. The right dog food can make a massive impact on your best friend. Portion control and a feeding schedule are just two ways you can help your dog lose weight. It increases their life expectancy and is a way to increase a dog's quality of life.

The best way to do this is to talk to your vet about how many calories your dog should be eating each day and what kind of exercise regimen is right for them. Depending on your dog's age, breed, and current activity level, this will vary.

Weight-Loss Dog Food

There are specially formulated foods available that can help your dog lose weight. These foods typically have fewer calories than regular dog food but are still high in nutrients so that your dog doesn't feel deprived. Your vet can help you choose the right weight-loss food for your dog based on their individual needs.


There are a number of supplements on the market that claim to help with weight loss in dogs. However, it's important to talk to your vet before giving your dog any supplements, as some can actually be harmful if not used properly.

That being said, there are some supplements that can be helpful when used as part of a comprehensive weight-loss plan for dogs. For example, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help reduce inflammation associated with obesity, while fibre can help give your dog a feeling of fullness. Again, though, it's important to talk to your vet before starting your dog on any supplements.


In some cases, medication may be necessary to help your dog lose weight. This is typically only recommended in cases where diet and exercise alone haven't been successful or if there is an underlying medical condition that is contributing to the weight gain (such as hypothyroidism). If your veterinarian does recommend medication for weight loss in dogs, they will closely monitor your pet to make sure the medication is safe and effective.


In very severe cases of obesity in dogs—those where the animal is more than 30% over their ideal body weight—surgery may be recommended.

This type of surgery (known as gastric bypass surgery) involves reducing the size of the stomach so that the animal feels full more quickly and then rerouting the intestines so that fewer nutrients are absorbed into the body. This type of surgery should only be performed by a board-certified veterinary surgeon and is typically only recommended as a last resort after all other treatment options have failed. 

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the best food for your dog's weight-loss journey. First, you'll want to make sure that the food is high in protein and low in carbs and fat. This will help your dog feel fuller longer and prevent them from over-eating. Second, you'll want to choose a food that is highly digestible.

This means that more of the nutrients in the food will be absorbed by your dog's body, which will help them lose weight while still getting the nutrition they need. And lastly, you'll want to make sure that the food you choose is palatable for your dog. After all, there's no point in putting them on a diet if they're just going to turn up their nose at their food!

So, your dog is gaining weight. It’s not just a coincidence, and there are several reasons why it may be happening. Understanding the causes can help you take steps to correct the issue and get your pooch back to his healthy self. Have you tried any of these methods to help your pup lose weight? If not, set up an appropriate diet and exercise plan for your furry friend.

The Opposite Effect: My Dog Isn't gaining Weight

While excessive weight gain in dogs is unhealthy, so is excessive weight loss. It's every pet owner's nightmare: you notice your beloved furry friend is slowly losing weight, no matter how much food you put in their bowl. While it's natural to worry, there are a few possible explanations for why this might be happening.

One possibility is that your dog is simply too active and is burning off more calories than they're taking in. If this is the case, you may need to switch to a food with more calories or add food supplements to their diet. Another possibility is that your dog has an underlying health condition that is causing them to lose weight. If you suspect this may be the case, it's important to take action to prevent further weight gain and seek advice from your vet.

Do some research on various methods to help weight gain, including a change of diet and food supplements like dog weight gainers. With a little patience and care, you can help get your furry friend back on track.
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